SMS scnews item created by Laurentiu Paunescu at Thu 15 Jun 2017 1623
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 10 Aug 2017
Calendar1: 3 Aug 2017 1500-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw 352
CalTitle1: Geordie's course
Auth: (lpau4287) in SMS-WASM

Geordie's Seminar: Williamson -- Modular Representations

" Title: Modular representations of algebraic groups and symmetric groups 

Abstract: This course will be an introduction to some fundamental questions in
representation theory.  The focus will be on what is known and not known about simple
representations of algebraic groups and symmetric groups.  I will spend some time
revising classical theory (structure theory of connected reductive groups, Weyl modules,
Specht modules, tilting modules, affine Weyl groups, linkage principle) and then move on
to more modern developments (categorification, derived equivalences, Soergel bimodules,
p-canonical basis).  Some background in representation theory and algebraic geometry
will be assumed." 

This is a second semester postgraduate course and it will run every Thursday, 3pm-5pm,
in Carslaw 352 (we might need to change the room!).  Postgraduates and Honours students
are particularly encouraged to attend.

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