SMS scnews item created by Ulrich Thiel at Fri 9 Nov 2018 1852
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 21 Dec 2018 Calendar1: 16 Nov 2018 1200-1300 CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Licata -- Homological algebra and the growth of braids
Auth: (uthi9031) in SMS-WASM
Algebra Seminar: Licata -- Homological algebra and the growth of braids
Speaker: Anthony Licata (ANU)
Date: Friday 16 November
Time: 12-13
Venue: Carslaw 375
Title: Homological algebra and the growth of braids
Abstract: We'll explain some of the tools of homological algebra - for example,
categorical entropy - which are relevant for studying autoequivalences of triangulated
categories. In the case of braid group actions, we'll explain the relationship
between categorical entropy and dynamical concepts from classical braid group topology.
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