SMS scnews item created by Michael Stewart at Fri 10 Oct 2014 0910
Type: Meeting
Distribution: World
Expiry: 14 Oct 2014
Calendar1: 14 Oct 2014 1800-2000
CalLoc1: The University of Technology Sydney, Building 4, Level 2, Room 34, CB04.02.34, Corner of Harris St. & Thomas St., Ultimo, NSW 2007
Auth: michaels@pmichaels.pc (assumed)

Stats Society Monthly Talk: The Changing Role of Health Economics in the Healthcare System

This month's talk is from Dr Henry Cutler from KPMG. The venue is UTS:
Room 34, Level 2, Building 4, Corner of Harris St. & Thomas St., Ultimo.
As usual the schedule is:

6:00pm - 6.30pm: Refreshments

6:30pm - 7.30pm: Lecture

7:30pm - 8:00pm: Dinner

All are welcome. The title, abstract and speaker bio are below




The Changing Role of Health Economics in the Healthcare System

Every day health professionals are making resource allocation decisions in
health care system. This may be within hospitals, where a decision is made
to proceed with surgery, to system wide decisions on funding hospitals.
Despite potentially large impacts on patients and budgets, these decisions
are often made without formally evaluating value for money.   

In his presentation, Henry will explain the changing role of health
economics in the health care system, and the need to inform decisions with
better cost effective information. He will describe some of the modelling
tools used by health economists, and how these have been applied to
specific scenarios throughout his consulting career. This includes
econometric analysis of time series and panel data, choice modelling,
decision tree analysis and Markov modelling. 

Biography of Dr. Henry Cutler

Dr Henry Cutler is the health economics lead at KPMG. His work primarily
focuses on economic evaluation, policy analysis, and forecasting in health
care using a variety of economic tools and modelling techniques.

In his role, Henry has undertaken major projects on health and aged care
reform, private health insurance, hospital efficiency, pharmaceuticals,
medical devices, blood products, and preventative health care.

He has a PhD in economics, where his research focused on increasing
efficiency within the health care system by allocating government spending
to areas within health care most valued by society. Prior to KPMG, Henry
worked at Access Economics, the Centre for International Economics, and
spent eight years working in financial markets in Sydney and London.

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