Dear All, Next week on Friday, October 13, Vladimir Gaitsgory (Macquarie), will give a talk at USyd, Carslaw Lecture Theatre 275 at 4pm on Title: Averaging of singularly perturbed deterministic and stochastic control systems Abstract: Models of real life dynamical systems are often characterized by the fact that their state variables are decomposed into groups of slow and fast ones, this decomposition being formalized with a special introduction of a small parameter. Such systems are commonly called singularly perturbed (SP). Problems of control of SP systems (in both deterministic and stochastic settings) have received a great deal of attention in the literature. In this talk, we will discuss results establishing that, under certain conditions, the slow state trajectories of a SP control system are asymptotically close to the state trajectories of an averaged system. The role of controls in the averaged system is played by measure-valued functions that take values in the set of occupational measures generated by the state-control trajectories of the fast dynamics considered with “frozen†slow state components. Hope to see you all there, Georg