Dear All, This week, Friday the 29th of August, Jean-Luc Thiffeault (University of Wisconsin-Madison), will give a talk at USyd, Carslaw 273 at 4pm on “Einstein on the beach: fluid flow on a curved space" We are also fortunate to have Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (TU Dresden) to give a talk straight after at 5pm (same room) on “On coherent structures, transport and mixing” Transport properties of nonautonomous dynamical systems can be conveniently described in the framework of coherent sets. These are time-dependent macroscopic structures that hardly mix with the rest of phase space over the considered time span. Coherence can be observed in many real-world phenomena, including the polar vortex, gyres and eddies in the ocean as well as thermal plumes in convection. In this talk we report on recent results in the theory and numerics of coherent sets and apply the constructions to a number of example systems. Aspects of controlling transport and mixing are also briefly discussed. Hope to see you all there, Georg