SMS scnews item created by Daniel Hauer at Thu 3 Sep 2015 0859
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 4 Sep 2015
Calendar1: 3 Sep 2015 1500-1600
CalLoc1: Physics Lecture Theatre 2 (Rm 424)
Auth: (dhauer) in SMS-WASM

SSP - Working Seminar: Timothy A. Collier -- Liouville's theorem & Harnack's principle

Dear friends and colleagues, 

today, on Thursday 3 September 2015 Timothy A.  Collier (University of Sydney) is giving
a talk in the SSP Working seminar on 

"Liouville's theorem & Harnack's principle" 

The talk is in Physics Lecture Theatre 2 (Rm 424) starting 3pm at the University of

Best regards, 

Daniel Hauer

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