SMS scnews item created by Alex Casella at Tue 28 Feb 2017 2010
Type: Announce
Distribution: World
Expiry: 30 May 2017
Auth: (acas5565) in SMS-WASM

MaPSS is Back!

Dear all, 

Welcome back everyone! We have another exciting semester ahead of us with the return of
MaPSS, the Mathematical Postgraduate Seminar Series!! 

Every Monday at 5pm in room 535A Carslaw we will be holding MaPSS and everyone is
welcome! You will have the opportunity to support your fellow mathematicans and learn
about a field which you might not know anything about.  Oh and there will be plenty of

Now if you are a honours, masters, PhD or Postdoc student then MAPSS needs you! We need
volunteers for the upcoming semester to present some interesting concepts or areas of
mathematics that the audience might know nothing about.  MaPSS is all about introductory
level talks and it doesn't need to be overly complicated.  It's a great chance to
improve your presentation skills, introduce yourself, and give fellow students and
academics an insight into what you study.  

If you are interested in presenting this semester shoot us an email.  We are looking
forward to showcasing all the awesome exciting areas that the math undergrad/postgrad
group are involved in! 

MaPSS Organisers

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