Friday at 2:00 PM there will be a Joint Colloquium at UNSW. The talk will be preceded by lunch with the speaker at about 1PM. please let Brian Jefferies know if you want to come to the lunch. THE UNIVERSITIES OF SYDNEY AND NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOLS OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS ___________________JOINT COLLOQUIUM______________________ Speaker: Dr. David Rule (University of Edinburgh) Title: Weighted norm inequalities for pseudo-differential operators Date: Friday, 24 JULY 2009 Time: 2:00 pm Venue: RC-4082, The Red Centre, UNSW Abstract: I'll give a brief introduction to pseudo-differential operators and their usefulness in partial differential equations. This will then lead on to some recent work with Nick Michalowski and Wolfgang Staubach concerning operators with symbols which are very rough in the spatial variable. Enquiries to Brian Jefferies, 0429 187094,