Teaching and Learning

Universal Style Technical Whitepaper

General Specifications

Machine Name
Hardware Specification
Software Specification
  • 2 projectors
  • 1 Mimio XI Interactive bar
  • Wireless headphone USB dongle
  • TightVNC viewer
  • RealVNC viewer (for single screen viewing in dual-screen mode)
  • MS Windows XP
  • 2 Wacom tablets
  • Wireless keyboard + mouse
  • 1 USB extension cable (for easy thumbdrive plug in)
  • UltraVNC server
  • Microsoft OneNote 2007 / Adobe Acrobat / Other office productivity software
  • AutoHotKey
  • Autosetup_universal package (bundled with CapNSend)
  • ActualTool Window Manager
  • TightVNC viewer
  • MS Windows 7
  • 1 LCD screen
  • 3 projectors
  • Access Grid / Conference XP / VSee / Skype
  • CapNSend
  • MS Windows XP
  • TightVNC (for CapNSend)
  • RealVNC (for desktop)

Specific Software Instructions
Contains AutoHotkey scripts that launches a user interface to control OneNote 2007. In the file ONENOTE_page_control.ahk, you must place the correct IP address of Gridroom where the MacMini screenshots are to be sent:

Run, CapNSendServer.exe [IP address of Gridroom], , min

To run the script, just double click on ONENOTE_page_control.ahk. Place the shortcut on the desktop.

ActualTool Window Manager
The Window Manager must ensure the following rules are enforced:
  • OneNote 2007 is maximized all the time and is unmovable.
  • AutoHotKey is always placed on top of all windows.
  • Adobe Acrobat is always placed at the second monitor maximized.
  • In Windows 7's control panel, disable "Auto Window Snapping" under the Ease of Access panel.
Example for OneNote and Adobe Acrobat:

UltraVNC Server
The UltraVNC server user interface has no option to configure for dual screen sharing. To do that, edit the ultravnc.ini file in its installed directory. Change:

Primary = 1
Secondary = 1

Make sure the mirror driver is installed AND enabled.

Windows 7
We need to optimize Windows 7 for lecturer usability and also for VNC performance.
  • Disable Aero.
  • Disable Auto Snapping windows through the "Ease of Access" options.
  • Disable all animations. (E.g. Windows fading)

Microsoft Office OneNote
When run in full-screen mode, the toolbar icons should be configured properly for lecturers. Only important icons should be included and unimportant ones should be disabled. The one used for nGAME is:

Also, the following options should be set under OneNote's Options --> Pens:
  • Disable "Use pen pressure sensitivity" to achieve consistency with the Mimio's pen.
  • Enable "Automatically switch between Pen and Selection Tool".

Technique for Program Automation and Making It Working with CapNSend
It is important to have an easy to use user interface for lecturer. The user interface is primarily used to deliver a one-touch button to update screen history followed by a call to a specific program to navigate pages.

The main purpose of this technique is to allow a way for user to navigate a page when writing. However, pressing the navigation button directly on the specific program's button is not enough. Firstly, accessing the navigation function can be difficult and needs be automated. Secondly, even if the navigation function can be accessed easily, several events actually need to be triggered to enable the history board to work. For example, to trigger a send screenshot event.

The solution to the above mentioned problem can be tackled from two perspective: (1) Externally or (2) Internally.

(1) Externally
An external application can be developed to perform the navigation on the program followed by triggering the required events. This part can be developed by using AutoHotKey to generate mouse/keyboard events to the appropriate part of a program. If mouse event is used, this has the drawback of needing a permanent placement on the specific button to be clicked.

Instead of using the AutoHotKey, another more permanent solution is to develop a simple program to call the applications DDE or OLE automation (if available).

(2) Internally
If an OS's windowing system allows application button clicks to be tracked, a program "hook" can be developed to hook on to button click events on the desktop. Hence whenever a user presses that navigation button, the required events are triggered.

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Choon Ng (Version 23)

Attachments (3)

onenotes.jpg - on Oct 15, 2010 by Choon Ng (Version 2)

adobe.jpg - on Oct 15, 2010 by Choon Ng (Version 2)

onenote.JPG - on Oct 15, 2010 by Choon Ng (Version 2)