Teaching and Learning

Style 2 - Vertical style

Lecturers who wish to use the interactive display as a blackboard/whiteboard replacement and require the previous board(s) to be visible, can use the following arrangement (example: Prof. Nalini Joshi, Modern Asymptotics and Perturbation Theory in Semester 1 2010)

Mac Mini (GridLect)
  • Display settings:
    1. Right click on desktop and select "Screen resolution"
    2. Ensure that the extended desktop is enabled.
    3. Wacom tablet should be screen 1, with screen 2 appearing above (on top); as one large vertical display.
  • Taskbar
    • Make sure the taskbar has only small icons. Right click on taskbar and choose "Properties". Ensure the "Use small icons" checkbox is ticked. Click Apply and close.
  • Hotkey application
    • Stop all hotkey applications. Click the show hidden icons button on the taskbar. Right click on each Green icon with a white "H" on it and click exit.
    • Start the 2 scripts in the directory "Libraries/Documents/Autosetup_gridlect/" nalini_scrollup.ahk, nalini_scrolldown.ahk (double click them)
  • OneNote 2007
    1. Open OneNote 2007
    2. Create a new Section using File menu. Label it nalini_notesXX_DATE
    3. Important:: Enter the text for the Page title as "Page 1"
    4. Page zoom should be set to 110%
    5. Enter fullscreen mode by pressing F11. (NOTE: If it is not working, click the icon next to help -OR- click "View->Full Screen")
    6. Make sure OneNote IS NOT maximized! Use the automatic window resize function "Libraries/Documents/Autosetup_gridlect/nalini_enlarge_window" to stretch OneNote border. If OneNote is not stretched, perform the following:
      • Using the mouse from gridlect, or a remote VNC control session. Drag the OneNote application window such that it stretches across both screens. (maximise does not apply to both screens)
  • Keypad test
    • Make sure the keypad is plugged in to the USB extension, the blue light indicates it is on. Otherwise press the numlock.
    • In OneNote, draw horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the visible screen using the wacom.
    • Press the "Down arrow" button on the keypad. The mouse should be moving around and scrolling up.
    • Repeat the drawing of lines at top/bottom of screen.
    • Press "Up arrow" button on the keypad. The mouse should also be moving to scroll up. At this point you should see that the previous screen borders appear as drawn earlier. Check that the scroll down is working correctly: Use the mouse to scoll a little to observe the boundaries of two pages, the gap should be at most two lines (ruled lines in OneNote).
    • Pressing the "Down arrow" again should move to a new page regardless of which page is visible or whichever page was last edited. The scroll up function allows the lecturer to move back to previous slides for finalising editing.
    • If any of the tests fail, then the lecturer can use the half page scroll button shown in OneNote toolbar in fullscreen mode appearing as the last item in the toolbar (on the right).
  • TightVNC
    • If the machine has been rebooted the server must be initialised manually. From start menu navigate and choose "Launch Tight VNC server".
    • An icon in the taskbar should appear to indicate it is running (may have to click little arrow next to time).
    • To check if the server is running use another machine to connect. The IP of gridlect is or Viewonly password is "mathconf"
Whiteboard PC (gridwbrd)
  1. Important::Close all windows
  2. Click on the icon "H" in the quick launch taskbar. This is the automatic setup of launching VNC clients.
  3. IF it fails, perform the following:
    • An icon on desktop is a saved VNC connection that will have saved settings to view the gridlect PC as viewonly and CoRRE encoding.
    • Open two instances of these. If the display appears grey, click on the refresh button located at the top of each window.
    • From the taskbar, right click and selct "Tile windows vertically" function such that the two VNC sessions appear side by side.
    • Scoll each side appropriately such that left shows the live screen and the right shows the previous screen. Adjust the scrollbars such that the window titlebar and taskbar are hidden from view.
Access Grid PC (gridroom)
  • Launch the Access Grid client on main gridroom PC.
  • Join the session "SMS USydney" and always enable "Talk" from RAT window
  • Announce the lecture being delivered and the VNC session details for the whiteboard being "" password "mathconf"
  • After more participents enter, ensure they are able to speak, listen and see the presenter (or you). Use Access Grid RAT controls to adjust microphone, speaker for individual institutions first versus the global setting.

AFTER the session
  • AG machine
    • On Desktop run: "gridwbrd_shutdown.bat"
    • Shutdown access grid
  • Mac mini
    • Ensure that the OneNote document is saved and close OneNote
    • End all scripts for the page up/down/right/left functions.
    • Mouse is placed on charger
    • Switch off screen of wacom tablet.
  • Room
    • Turn air conditioning off

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Masahiro Takatsuka (Version 20)

Attachments (1)

CHECKLIST FOR LECTURE STYLE 2.doc - on Oct 15, 2010 by Choon Ng (Version 4)

Comments (1)

Choon Ng - Oct 15, 2010 (Version 2)
very useful! thanks john!